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Sun is out!

Foto van schrijver: David vdWDavid vdW

Finally, the belgian weather changed for the better and now our time on the boat starts to look more like it should be. (Only 3/4th of the time maintenance :D )

Finally we could spend some days on sea trials with Zina. Learning her behavior in favorable winds, tuning the autopilot, Erna is growing confidence as a helmsman. Rosie starts to accept her safe place under the dodger.

The new engine runs great. Very low consumption and easily up to 6 knots with enough reserve power if needed. The combination with the bowtruster makes the harbour maneuvres easy going. PArking our heavy lady was not that easy before.

Now I finally get time to work ahaed in the maintenance of the ship iso running behind issues. Installed a new Bilge B Dry system to remove the last drops of water/mousture out of the engine compartiment ad bilge. Started the final paintjobs in there and added bilge fat to the deepeste parts of the bilges to avoid rust building in the corners.

After 3 years of work, doubt, a lot of money and fysical pains Zina now starts to look and function again as what she was build for. and it is worth it.

Yesterday, a guy from teh shipyard said to me, "You see, do not give up, onward and upward!"

Looking forward to the summer.

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